Dee's Place - is the place for beading supplies, beadwork classes, bead kits and other bead info.
Currently featuring Seed Beads, Square Beads, Magatama's, Beadwork Kits, Patterns, Vintage Swarovski crystals,
Vintage Jewelry, Ceramic faces, Porcelain Cameos and other bead related items
including Bead Storage with Flip top Boxes.

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 Current Class Schedule  See listing below or the Kit section in the catalog for pictures

Date  Location  Class Name Class Description
 June 8-12, 2011 Bead & Button Show 3 classes  
 April 2011  Shopping trip to Providence, RI
with Beadventure Tours
   Providence was the costume jewelry manufacturing capital of the world between 1850-1950. The factories are no longer there - but the suppliers are
 April 2012  Beadventure Tours,
Czech Republic
 Czech Republic If have ever wondered how all those tiny little beads are made or where they come from please join us for trip to some of the factories.

 Classes available from Dee's Place

 Please click on the "Contact Dee" box above if you would like more information about the classes or would like to schedule one in your area.

Any of the pieces in the Kits section can also be taught as classes.

Class Name Class Description Class length  Click on Thumbnail to see larger image
Brick Stitch Covered Vessel Morning session will explore basic brick stitch techniques including increasing and decreasing to ensure student is comfortable with the stitch. Afternoon session will begin vessel of student's choice 1 day  
Coiled wire beads Use both commercial, homemade and garage tools along with telephone wire, colored wire and beads to create these unique coiled wire beads. 3-4- hours  
 Flapper Bracelet Pearls, crystals or pressed glass beads all give a very different look to this design, which teaches basic wire handling techniques. 3-4 hours  
London Ruffles Bracelet Ladder stitch and modified netting techniques are combined to create this fluffy cuff bracelet that looks and feels very elegant. Adapts well to any size beads 3-4 hours  
Loomwork - color shading and fringe Color blending techniques and different ways to add fringe as you weave will be discussed during created of an amulet bag. 1 day  
Loomwork techniques Basic loomwork techniques explored including basic set up and design. Techniques also discussed include: split loom, adding beads to warp, and cutting warp to add beads 1-2 days  
Loopy Loomed Bracelet Loomwork bracelet that can look VERY different depending on the beads that are chosen to embellish the loops 3-4 hours  
Loopy Netted Bracelet Vertical netting and netted loops are combined to create this attractive and very fast to complete bracelet 3-4 hours  
Tweenies Beaded spaces that go be"tween" other beads in a necklace or bracelet. Or by themselves as fun earrings. Can be used as is or embellished. Three or four Tweenies will be completed in class 3-4 hours  
Two-Drop Patterned Peyote This attractive cuff bracelet explores the possible patterns and effects that can be obtained using the two-drop peyote technique. Discussions include charting and starting a patterned peyote piece 3-4 hours  
Wire Crochet We will start with a free form pin to get everyone feeling comfortable with working with wire then move on to a necklace or bracelet. It is not necessary to know how to crochet - but we will use a crochet hook. 3-4 hours  
 (Twisted) Wire Necklace Pressed glass flower and leaf shaped beads will be combined with wire to make an adjustable length necklace that can be worn as a choker or as a longer length necklace  3-4 hours

(Twisted) Wire Sectioned Bracelet Sections of pressed glass flower beads separated by larger spacer beads make this bracelet look like a flower garden in full bloom. Other combinations of pressed glass beads can also be used for other effects.  3-4 hours

Wired Crystal Bracelet  Memory wire, craft wire and Ultrasuede are combined with crystals to make this unusual bracelet 3-4 hours

 Change A Cab Necklace  The centerpiece of this necklace is interchangeable and can also be work as a pin. Just think of the possibilities - make one necklace and many center focal pieces

1 day

Change A Cab Bracelet Fully adjustable bracelet with hidden clasp will fit a 7 - 9 inch wrist. The center focal point is also interchangeable

1 day

 Chevron Bracelet  Using a modified Ndebele (Herringbone) stitch we will create this bracelet that your will be proud to wear anywhere.  3-4 hours
 Ndebele Twist  This piece can be worn as either a choker length necklace or a bracelet.  3-4 hours


Ndebele Lariat
 Ndebele (or Herringbone) stitch is done with pairs of beads. The thread path causes the pairs of beads to sit at an angle, thus the name Herringbone. 3-4 hours

Garden Wall Bracelet
 Combine 4x15mm pressed glass beads (the wall) with your favorite flowers and leaves to make this attractive bracelet. 3-4 hours

Brick Stitch Twist
 A brick stitch base of size 6 beads highlighted by a stone cab and a contrasting color of seed beads is used to created the twist. The bezel for the cab is worked onto the brick stitch base.  3-4 hours

                              Dee's Place, LLC - Doris Coghill        Phone: 952-856-1795
 Copyright 1975 - 2020 - Dee's Place, LLC - all rights reserved
Web site designed and maintained by DeeLee Consulting  - email the Web master